Context Clues Question Stems 4.4

In paragraph 1, how does the author help the reader understand the meaning of ________?

As used in paragraph 2, what does the phrase ____________ mean?

Which word is a synonym for ________ as used in paragraph 2?

Which word is paragraph 10 best defines the word _________ in the same paragraph?

Which word used in paragraph 6 means _________________.

Text Features Question Stems

Which information in the graphic organizer is NOT included in the text of the passage?

What information in the passage is NOT in the graphic organizer?

How does the diagram help the reader understand the text?

How does the photograph help the reader understand the text?

How does the table of contents help the reader understand the text?

Where would I look to find the definition of a word? (Glossary)

Where would I look to find a page number of something I want to know more about? (Index)

According to the graphic organizer….

Text Structure Question Stems

What is the text structure?

Why did the author most likely write this passage?

Which paragraphs discuss… cause and effect? description? sequence and order? problem and solution? compare and contrast?

Which is true about the way the passage is organized?

A student read a book called _________________. The chapter titles are _______________. Explain whether this book would have similar or different information from the passage. Give reasons to support your answer.