iPads in the Classroom

Technology for Third Graders

Ms. Moore’s technology project at Mountain Island Elem School in Charlotte,NC
ENTER CODE: INSPIRE  for Donor’s Choose to match your gift amount in the first week of the project posting!
My Students: Our society is dominated by technology. Many students don’t have technological tools at home and many lack the proficiency needed to function in a society where technology is imperative. We need to send our students into the world prepared to face the demands of technological advances.Technology engages, motivates, and excites my students! They love hands-on learning activities and interactive lessons. They benefit from differentiated instruction and have a desire to learn. They enjoy exploring and researching topics of interest on the computer. My students are creative and feel safe taking educational risks in the classroom. Positive learning experiences help them think creatively, develop problem solving skills, communicate their thinking, and make real world connections. Now is the time to utilize their enthusiasm for learning to create lasting impressions so they are prepared for the 21st century and remain in school throughout their educational career. They attend a public STEM school in an urban school district in North Carolina. Due to budget cuts in our state, they are the victims of a reduction of multiple resources. Now, more than ever, we will need to rely on the public to help put resources in our classrooms.

My Project: I will be able to customize learning experiences for students through the use of interactive iPad apps. For example Math Kingdom is a free interactive game in which students “journey” through a kingdom by completing math problems, often word problems, that cover all operations. Planets app is a free guide to the sky, and it includes both 2-D and 3-D views of the sun, stars, and planets in their current locations, an interactive view of the globe and your position on it, and a map of the constellations. Students will learn new things through Internet exploration and from videos on sites such as Discovery Education. They can read and listen to digital books. Students will have opportunities to collaborate and create digital presentations. Webquests are an excellent way for students to safely navigate the web while completing a project. The iPad will inspire students to take their learning to a digital level which will increase their level of expertise and prepare them for the future.

I strongly believe in the development of 21st century skills in order to create academically competitive students. I want to provide opportunities for my students to use higher order thinking, work together to achieve a common goal, and utilize tools such as technology. It is my ambition to create life and career minded students by encouraging them to think, problem-solve, and make logical decisions. Technology provides an abundance of opportunities to motivate my students.

Close to 100




Students are playing Close to 100. Each student has 6 number cards. Partner #1 picks 4 of his 6 cards to create two 2-digit numbers that are added together to get as close to 100 as possible. Next he must calculate how far he is from 100 or how far he is over 100 to determine his score for that round.  Students are finding there is a strategy involved in deciding which cards should be used. Also, they noticed the lower the score the better!

You can play this at home! Use index cards to create playing cards. You will want to have several cards for each number. Shuffle and play! Have fun!

*Note: Wild cards can be any number chosen by the player during his/her round.
